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2 Easy Ways to Counter the Effects of Inflation for Your Company

Jul 27, 2022 11:48:32 AM

I don't know about you, but I sure thought that 2022 was going to be the year when we were going to pull out of the craziness of the COVID era and start to get back to normal– but then rising costs and inflation kicked in. And while some things seem to be stabilizing, not everything is. Sigh.

Between shortages, fuel surcharges and inflation, things have been pretty challenging lately. As a business leader, you may be looking at having to raise prices or reduce staff, and no one wants that.

What if instead of having to cut back, you could put money BACK in your pocket?  If you are using FedEx and/or UPS, there are 2 super easy ways to cut your shipping costs:

  1. Contract Negotiation – If you spend more than $150,000 annually, chances are, there’s room in your current carrier agreement to improve on your rates -- up to 35%!

  2. Shipping Refunds – did you know that some shipping services are still eligible for refunds if delivered late? But you need to claim these refunds in order to get them.

Doesn’t that sound a lot better than having to cut back or raise prices? 

Topics: Shipping Refunds, FedEx Refund, Carrier Agreements

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